Elite Cut-throat (white)

£9.99 Ex.VAT


The “Elite Cutthroat” refers to a type of straight razor used for shaving. These razors are often known for their precision and traditional shaving experience. They typically feature a fixed blade that requires regular sharpening and maintenance.

Using a straight razor offers several benefits:

1. Close Shave: Straight razors provide an exceptionally close shave, which can result in smoother skin compared to modern electric or safety razors.

2. Less Irritation: Many people with sensitive skin find that straight razors cause less irritation, as the blade vibrates less against the skin.

3. Cost-Effective: After the initial investment, straight razors can be more economical since they eliminate the need for expensive razor cartridges or disposable blades.

4. Environmentally Friendly: Straight razors are a sustainable option as they reduce waste from disposable razors and cartridges.

5. Traditional Experience: Shaving with a straight razor can be a meditative and satisfying experience, connecting you to traditional grooming practice.

6. Precision: You have complete control over the blade, allowing you to shave at the right angle and only where needed, which can help avoid nicks and cuts.